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Target group Students of secondary school aged 15-18. No previous knowledge on the topic addressed is required Duration 3 lessons (60...

Lesson plan 3 ETHICAL LEVEL
Target group Students of secondary school aged 15-18. No previous knowledge on the topic addressed is required Duration 1 lessons (60...

Horror stories about digital media...
Type of resource (video, lesson plan, etc.) lesson plan Learning objective(s) Through this lesson, we make students aware of the dangers...

La Ligue React
Language & Country of the resource The toolkit is available in English, Italian, German, Spanish and in French. Title Educational toolkit...

RAINBOW Lesson Plan_You are responsible for your choices
Conf. univ. dr. Luminița Mihaela Drăghicescu Universitatea Valahia din Targoviste Activity / lesson title You are responsible for your...

RAINBOW Lesson Plan_Discrimination hurts
Lect. univ. dr. Ioana Stăncescu Universitatea Valahia din Targoviste Activity / lesson title Discrimination hurts! Target group High...

Lesson Plan Conflict resolution
Author: Lect.univ. Elena-Ancuța Santi Valahia University of Targoviste Activity / lesson title Understanding and resolving conflicts in...

Tool Belgium 5 game diversity
Thesis game diversity You can use this scaffolding game to talk to students about diversity. Objectives This exercise was developed to...

Tool Belgium 2 let the picture speak en-GB
Through this tool, students look curiously at news events and discover the distinction between perception and interpretation. Target...

Inspiring citizenship
Type of resource (video, lesson plan, etc.) tools, lesson plan, video Learning objective(s) Pupils encounter the significance of...

Privilege Walk tool Belgium 1
This is an experiential form of work where students from the second grade of secondary education onwards are introduced to the topic of...

Philosophising on the theme of discrimination
In our day-to-day lives and in our conversations with people, we often use concepts that we consider self-evident, but whose exact...

Let the picture speak
Activity / lesson title Let the picture speak Target group Target group: Grade 7 and older Duration 50 minutes Learning Environment...

Didactic workshop on discrimination: insights and working methods (RAINBOW)
Title of the activity / lesson Didactic workshop on discrimination: insights and working methods (RAINBOW) Type of resource (video,...

Privilege Walk
Activity / lesson title PRIVILEGE WALK The students see that diversity is a broad concept based on different aspects: origin, appearance,...

Case Reflections
Target group Target group: Grade 7 and older students Duration 50 minutes Learning Environment Classroom Expected learning outcomes...

Lesson plan 2 ICEBREAKING
Target group Students of secondary school aged 15-18. No previous knowledge on the topic addressed is required Duration 2 lessons (60...

KNOWLEDGE AND EMOTIONAL PLAN – the virtual environment
Target group Students of secondary school aged 15-18. No previous knowledge on the topic addressed is required Duration 1 lesson 120...

Lesson Plan 4and5 - Teen poetry slam
Activity / lesson title Teen poetry slam Relevant link Target group Age of the students: 13-15...

Lesson Plan 3-Manifesto
Write down your manifesto! Activity / lesson title Write down your manifesto! Relevant link
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