The RAIN.BOW project aims at promoting social inclusion and positive values through the introduction of non formal education and methods into the school education.
The project will generate a contribution in field of media literacy, to increase teachers’ and students’ civic awareness and to aware them on hate speeches.
Positive relations between students and teachers are the most important factor that help youngsters to succeed in their education path and to guarantee them a real social inclusion.
To achieve this goal the project will develop several resources in different languages to foster and promote common inclusive values.
This project, carried out between January 2020 and February 2023, contributes to the development of civil rights and citizenship among young people and is an effort for inclusion between 7 member partners from 6 different countries.
The RAIN.BOW project will include:
- An educational Resource database / OER, including reports and training methodology for both students and teachers;
- A campaign to promote European Inclusive Values for students and youngsters, made by students and youngsters;
- A number of activities and seminars in different countries and cities;
- A Camp for European Values to promote inclusivity and diversity, respect and sharing among students from different nationalities, religionsand backgrounds.