Activity / lesson title
Teen poetry slam Relevant link
Target group
Age of the students: 13-15 years old The students will work in small groups (3-5 students), according to a heterogeneous composition (gender, minorities, not-motivated, migrants…) We keep the same groups formed for the previous lessons
2 lessons of 45 min
Learning Environment
Indoor A big room is needed, to allow groups to be in separated places working without bothering each other Expected learning outcomes
To learn different strategies for effective verbal communication
To pay attention to emotional management and to overcome fears and insecurities
To refine body language and facial expression
To practice active listening and teamwork
Subjects and topics covered
Grammar, Civic Values, Communication Hate speech, art creation Method description
Art-based projects, dramatization
Tools / Materials / Resources
Laptop, web access, projector YouthSpeaks on Youtube:
Detailed description of the step-by-step description of the activity / sequences of the units
Lesson 1 1. The lesson begins with a discussion on what is spoken word and poetry slam; 2. Students watch different videos of Youth Speaks and Brave New Voices festival on Youtube;( 3. To teach them how we can maximize the voice and the body for expressing and sharing our messages to an audience, by doing several practical exercises (some ideas about such exrecises here or some ideas how to organize social activities with artistic expression sessions here: ) 4. The members of each group brainstorm on how they want to communicate and perform their Manifestos on public, and write down a proposal; 5. Groups present their proposal to the teacher and discuss it Lesson 2 1. The groups rehearse and perform to the others; they receive feedback and tips from the teacher and the classmates; 2. Students organize an exhibition of the Manifestos and perform their slogans and written texts as planned. All the performances will be recorded. (A smart phone video record will do).
Feedback & assessment
Continuous assessment on oral expression and teamwork. Observation techniques: diary/journal Close ended questionnaires
Evaluation (for purposes of grading)
Intellectual property rights (IPR) / Origin of the activity
© 2020 Brave New Voices. All Rights Reserved ( )
CC BY NC 4.0
Attribution: This activity is prepared by CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS in the frames of the RAINBOW project.
The activity can be copied, redistributed, remixed, transformed, and built upon for educational purposes.
Non-comercial spread.