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The #RainBowErasmusPlus Summer Camp is over!


During a full week around 40 students between 14 and 19 years old together

with 25 teachers and role models have worked cooperatively, exchanged

multicultural points of view, visited Varna and Kranevo and had fun together!

The results of this experience are the products that will be launched as a part of

the European Values Campaign. These products have been created by teams

of students of different nationalities that have attended several workshops

prepared by role models and also different participation dynamics that have

helped them to create their team names, brands, slogans and develop their


It has been a really intense week for everybody. In just five days, youngsters

from 6 different countries, have been able to create from scratch some

marvelous products for the Campaign. It’s really important to remark that these

boys and girls have not meet before, and despite their different origins they

have been able to overcome the language and cultural barriers and their have

looked for common grown on their multiple points of view to create, in just 5

days, 7 products and a shared motto for the European Values Campaign.

All this will be launched during the #RainBowErasmusPlus Final Conference

held in September but meanwhile you can check what has happened on the

posts that we have been sharing in during the Camp.






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