Let’s create a word cloud!
Activity / lesson title
Let’s create a word cloud!
Relevant link
Target group
Age of the students: 13-15 years old
45 min.
Learning Environment
Indoor No special arrangements
Expected learning outcomes
To develop the vocabulary
To practice active listening
To think and communicate an overview of ideas and opinions
Subjects and topics covered
Grammar, Civic Values,
Hate speech, art creation
Method description
Brainstorming, Making posters, Vocabulary lists
Tools / Materials / Resources
Post-its, laptop, web access, projector https://www.wordclouds.com/
Detailed description of the step-by-step description of the activity / sequences of the units
1. Start the session with a brief definition of hate speech, i.e. form the Council of Europe: “hate speech covers all forms of expressions that spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance.” Then look with students at local and national examples, do a brainstorm regarding “what we know about hate speech”. Ask students to share what they witnessed or experienced online. Summarise the discussion with an updated definition and some examples / real cases of hate speech in your country. 2. After listening to all the opinions, everyone writes on a post-it 3 keywords, and puts it on a wall. (This part could also be performed with a digital post-it application - Jamborad, Sticky Notes, Notezilla or else). 3. Once all the post-its are on the wall, every student chooses one different from his/hers, reads the words and says one out loud. 4. With those words, the class creates a word cloud online by using https://www.wordclouds.com/. This outcome will be projected as the final result of the activity.
Feedback & assessment
Continuous assessment on brainstorming, written expression, and active listening. Observation techniques: diary/journal Slose ended questionnaires
Evaluation (for purposes of grading)
Intellectual property rights (IPR) / Origin of the activity
https://www.wordclouds.com/ (© Zygomatic) CC BY NC 4.0 Attribution: This activity is prepared by CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS in the frames of the RAINBOW project. The activity can be copied, redistributed, remixed, transformed, and build upon for educational purposes. Non-comercial spread.