Language & Country of the resource
Italian, Italy
Type Positive! How to prevent and manage bullying and cyberbullying
Link to the resource and/or reference to the authors / source of origin
PPT presentation Supporting material links and videos suggested are at the end of document;
Type of resource (video, lesson plan, etc.) Ppt presentation containing links to videos and material; supporting material to deepen the topic; videos
Learning objective(s)
Know the characteristics of bullying and cyberbullying phenomenon .
Reflecting on national and european figures of the phenomenon to be aware of the gravity of it
Defining working strategies to be used in classroom, adapting them to the age and interest of the students
Analyze bullying and cyberbullying phenomenon on a cognitive, emotional, ethical and legal point of view
Define a team working activity that fit the level and interest of the class, choosing from some possibile models, analyzed and customized by the teachers.
Have guidelines for dealing with cyberbullying in a situation: the Management System as a guided system for the prevention and management of bullying and cyberbullying phenomenon
Understanding the importance of language and communication in building relationships that can prevent bullying and cyberbullying
Learning methodologies, through the contents acquired during the training, for encouraging students to produce contents and tools to be used also after the training experience
To raise awareness on a topic that often not even the adult fully knows. To give educators working strategies, to be used in classroom at any different level of school, adapting it to the communicative style and interests of the students. Deal with phenomena of bullying and cyberbullying by giving the teachers tools in order to analyze the cognitive, emotional, ethical and legal level of the phenomenon with the students. Target (type and age of the learners and other meaningful characteristics)Teachers who come into contact with secondary students every day both in the classroom during lessons and on the playground during breaks
Tools and materials needed for implementation
slides, printed material, video
Key words
cyberbullying, bullying prevention, management, support
Subject & interdisciplinary / cross-curricular links
Links to European and digital citizenship. Participation of experts in the field and testimonials
Timing (how much time to do it?)
Training and information meeting with expert on the topic (1 meeting x 4h) Final confrontation meeting for sharing feedback after students’ workshops (1 meeting x 1h) Description
To understand what bullying and cyberbullying are and have an idea about the dimension of the phenomenon
To learn working strategies to use in classroom
To deepen the forms of prevention and management of bullying and cyberbullying already developed (such as the Management System in the School.
Some links and videos used:
Litwiller, B. J., & Brausch, A. M. (2013). Cyber bullying and physical bullying in adolescent suicide: The role of violent behavior and substance use. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(5), 675-684.
Grade School Students Who Own Cell Phones are More Likely to be Cyberbullied, retrieved from
Radliff, K. M., Wheaton, J. E., Robinson, K., & Morris, J. (2012). Illuminating the relationship between bullying and substance use among middle and high school youth. Addictive Behaviors, 37(4), 569-572.
Hinduja, S., PhD, and Patchin, J.W., PhD. (2018). Responding to Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Teens.
Beran, T. and Li, Q. (2007).The Relationship between Cyberbullying and School Bullying.